How to Transfer NFTs

Spring Game Plots and Trees are NFTs with the ERC-721 Standard. This document will explain you how to Transfer your NFTs from differents Wallets.

Approve the Handler contract from the SpringNode Contract

1. Open the SpringNode Contract on :

3. Find the function 9. setApprovalForAll and add the Handler Address in "Operator":


4. Write "true" in "approved (bool)". Then click on the button "Write" and validate the transaction

Make the Transfer from your NFT Wallet to the New Wallet

1. You must be on the SpringNode Contract on : 2. Connect to Metamask the wallet that has the NFTs you want to transfer by clicking on Conn ect to Web3

3. Find the function 15. transferFrom and make the transfer from your actual wallet to the New Wallet. You must write the token ID you want transfer. You can find this token ID by opening your NFT on the dApp :

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